Broken Tooth Treatment


Anyone of any age is susceptible to a broken tooth – at any time. In fact, weakened teeth can sometimes break spontaneously. But whether you take a fall or accidentally bite down on a piece of crab shell, Shoop Dentistry is here to help you.

Some broken teeth are painful, while others produce no discomfort at all. Whatever the case, a broken tooth needs to be addressed, or worse problems – like infection – may arise. So at the first sign of a broken tooth, call us at (253) 946-3575.

Dr. Shoop prefers that patients keep their natural teeth whenever possible, so we try to treat broken teeth with fillings or crowns. But if too much tooth is broken off, we will present you with other options and advise you of possible outcomes. This could mean removing the remainder of the tooth and grafting the site to preserve bone for a dental implant in the future.

No matter how badly your tooth is broken, Dr. Shoop and his team always have your health and comfort in mind and will make recommendations

Woman looking at dentist holding cheek in pain.